Effective VR training solutions for industrial applications

Don’t see your use case?
Our team will design VR training solutions to meet your unique needs. We will work with you to create a tailored VR training use case for your business.
Our team will design VR training solutions to meet your unique needs. We will work with you to create a tailored VR training use case for your business.
Our team are specialists in creating customised training environments. We provide tailored use case recommendations for your business.
AtlasVR enables industrial education that is inclusive, engaging, effective and fun – and accessible for all learners. Train according to your individual needs.
We support you from use case evaluation to rollout of our turnkey training solution. It won’t take long till you see the solution in action: we use agile development with rapid rollout.
We use the newest headsets, designed to be comfortable and user-friendly. They are pre-set and ready to go – simply remove from the box and begin.
Train even before the real equipment is delivered.
VR training is a one-off investment that is easy to scale, adapt and evolve once it’s in use.
Minimise learning fatigue, maximise focus and impact.
VR training is in a self-study setting, meaning onboarding doesn’t need to create operational disruption.
Tons of raw materials and high volumes of energy are saved by training that doesn’t require real world resources.
VR accidents or errors have no real world consequences or costs.
Our specialists identify suitable training sequences and provide you with our technical recommendations. You will see the impact of implementing AtlasVR, from cost benefits to training improvements.
We develop VR training modelling, interactions and instructional design tailored specifically to your needs. This is followed by a seamless rollout, which is guided by AtlasVR.
As your business acclimatises to AtlasVR we continue to support and improve the core elements of the software. This includes remote services for VR training content and updates.
Find out how virtualised training will transform how you work.